2017 = 103 years of world war.

WW1 hasn’t ended yet, the world really needs to understand this. Germany is the masterkey to worldwide peace because of missing peace-treaties.

It all began Nov 9 1918 when the constitutional government of Deutsches Reich was couped by marxist-socialists. US-president Wilson called on the German people to coup the state before, warning them “We won’t make peace with the constitutional government of Germany”. Anyone firm in international law knows that this is an illegal act.

The treaty of Versailles – which was a dictated “Treaty of Peace” under commercial law but no peace-treaty – was signed by an illegitimate German government and therefore illegal because violating international law.

With the constitutional government couped, the constitutional state of Germany was left behind, Deutsches Reich was disfranchised and turned in Weimar Republic, an administration under commercial law (same as what was done to the USA by the District of Columbia Act 1871).

Today, native Germans can insist on their constitutional German rights by claiming their original nationality. My German nationality is Prussian. Remember Germany 1918 was an union of 26 souvereign states. By claiming legal nationality following international law, today native Germans are being defamed and hunted by Merkel govt because if there would be too many Germans insisting on their guaranteed Prussian rights, the (((Federal Republic of Germany))), which is nothing but an UN-administration (see UN Charta 73, 53 and 107), would have to disappear.

Because native Germans have the possibility to insist on constitutional rights of Deutsches Reich under international law, native Germans could smash the whole commercial construct of EU by returning to their legal, souvereign state. That’s why Germany is flooded with migrants: Native Germans are to be eridicated in order to remove anyone who could make that turn back to a souvereign state. (((Germany))) in its present constution is the globalists trojan horse in Europe and Merkel is a NWO-governor.

Support native Germans, engage in peace-treaties for Germany and the world will find peace finally after 103 years of war.

Background: The Balfour Declaration 1917

England 1916. The british war against Germany, which was prepared and projected for two decades (Saturday Review 1897: Germaniam esse delendam), hasn’t turned out well. German submarines successfully block the island from supply. Food starts getting rare. The British Empire is facing a total defeat.

This is the desperate situation when Lord Balfour decides to ask the devil for help. The offer: In return for making the USA enter war as Britains ally and after defeating Germany together, Britain will stand up for the establishment of a Jewish state in the “holy land of Palestine”.

The Balfour declaration is proof of this dirty deal.


Having gained the power over the FED in 1913 it was supposably easy for Rothschild and Bernard Baruch to convince president Wilson with the benefits of entering the war. Wilson didn’t mind he was just reelected with the slogan “He kept us out of war”.

After successfully defeating Germany, Britain kept its promise. By 1922s Palestine Mandatory the Osman Empire transfered its Palestine claims to the USA and Britain.

The Balfour declaration, appointed 100yrs ago, has set the world ablaze and the fire is still burning today. You can see the consequences on Near East everyday on the news. Settlement, terror, two-state-solution, Hamas, Westbank, Gaza. For as long as I live, and that’s been four decades now, these are the keywords in the news I’ve been fed with all the time.

The impact on Europe and especially Germany is not that obvious but it’s the key to understand what happening today. You can’t understand the present if you don’t know the past. So lets go back to the year 1918.

Being dragged into a long and well projected war Germany not only managed to withstand the anglo-french “Entente” at the west front, it also managed to defeat Russia in the east. The peace-treaty of Brest-Litowsk early 1918 ended the conflict. Having achieved a peace in the east finally, German government also wanted peace for the slaughterous west-front which turned into a static warfare 1916. Germany offered peace through all the years, again and and again. Now, in October 1918, Germany again asked for cease fire in the west in order to negotiate a peace-treaty between equals without any annexations.

US-president Wilson denied. Instead he called on the German people to coup the state, warning them “We won’t make peace with the constitutional government of Germany.” This led to November 9th 1918: The constitutional government of Deutsches Reich was couped by marxist-socialists, a Republic was proclaimed and the Kaiser, the legal Head of State, had to flee into exile in the Netherlands.

Anyone knowing constitutional law and international law recognizes this as an illegal act. The “Treaty of Peace” Versailles 1919 was signed by an illegitimate German government and therefore illegal because violating constitutional German law as well as international law. Leaving the constitutional state of Germany behind, Deutsches Reich was disfranchised and turned in Weimar Republic, an administration under commercial law (same as what was done to the USA by the District of Columbia Act 1871).

This was the reason why Hitler became a politician by the way. All he ever wanted was to heal the injustice and restore German souvereignty. The result is well known: Germany wasn’t allowed to restore its souvereignty and it still lacks it – up to today.


Today, native Germans can still insist on their constitutional German rights by claiming their original nationality. My German nationality is Prussian. Remember Germany 1918 was an union of 26 souvereign states. By claiming legal nationality following international law, today native Germans are being defamed and hunted by Merkel government because if there would be too many Germans insisting on their guaranteed Prussian rights, the (((Federal Republic of Germany))), which has been set up an UN-administration (see UN Charta 73, 53 and 107), would have to disappear.

Because native Germans have the possibility to insist on constitutional rights of Deutsches Reich under international law, native Germans could smash the whole commercial construct of EU by returning to their legal, souvereign state. That’s why Germany is flooded with migrants: Native Germans are to be eridicated in order to remove anyone who could make that turn back to a souvereign state. This, by the way, is happening according to the “Hooton”-Plan which was projected during WW2. Earnest Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnest_Hooton#The_.22Hooton_Plan.22) This is what genocide means.

(((Germany))) in its present constitution is the globalists trojan horse in Europe and Merkel is a NWO-governor. She’s jewish offspring and decorated with the B’nai B’rith medal.


What’s happening now is quite obvious. Having undermined almost all European states’ souvereignty by the globalists tool “EU”, Europe but especially Germany is flooded with “refugees” from Syria and many more countries. The objective is clear: Zion is still heading for the holy land, but in a much larger scale: Great Israel. Syrians are transfered to Germany, in 2017 the migration of about 4 Mio Syrians is expected. Do you notice Brexit is also a logical consequence of the Balfour Declaration? Germaniam delendam est, Europe is a bonus.


Because the Treaty of Versailles 1919 wasn’t negotiated with the legal government of Germany, the first world war hasn’t ended yet. What we consider being WW2 was nothing but the break of the cease fire negotiated 1918. Please note that also for WW2 there is still no peace-treaty:


Germany is still in the state of war with 52 states worldwide, native Germans are disfranchised as enemies, kept under UN-administration and, treated as enemies again, are to be eradicated. Please support native Germans, engage in justice, freedom and peace-treaties for Germany to help the world find peace finally after 103 years of world war.

Don’t let (((them))) win – engage in freedom and justice for Palestine and Germany.